'there are four basic food groups: milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate, and chocolate truffles.' ~author unknown

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

...so, not pregnant, woooohooo...

...never thought those words would ever come out of me in any format,
but as far as my master plan goes i guess that's what i wanted. the scary thing
is, is that there was a very slight chance that i was, talk about russian rolette,
i knew i shouldn't and technically it was a day too late but you just can never
know how fast those little buggers (pg13) can swim. not that i was secretly kind of
hoping or anything!!! but alas that crimson bitch reared her ugly head.

 so my blog heading should've have read
...guess what chantelle found in her knickers this morning...

ha ha, not a kitty! that was my kitty sushi by the way, nestled in jp's
undies while he was sitting on the thrown. I rescued her from an spca
type place. since i grew up with cats and have been catless for the past
4 years, i desperately longed to be love/hated by a kitty once more.
so after a lot of negotiating with jp, and him saying no! i emailed EVERY
shelter and breeder of siamese kitties in the western cape, and then politely
phoned jp to tell him my kitty was ready and waiting for me, and then i still
had the cheek to get him to pick me up from work and drive me to bellville
to fetch her. needless to say, karma's a bitch, sushi loves him/hates me!!!
not even a f!@#$king siamese anyway!!!

so i have officially given her to siena who adores her and carries her around like
a broken rag doll - sushi seems to love it! so be it!...

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