so here I am back in my little bubble of reality that is my life, thinking back just over a month, of cocktails and extra large king size beds, oh take me back! on the bright side, seems I brought back more than just shoes, and clothes and trinkets and my voluptuous bali belly, seems those cocktails and extra large king size bed sent me home with a plus one! yaaaaaaaaaaaaay, found out a little while ago that our little family of three is soon gonna be a slightly bigger little family of four. very excited, and feeling pretty crappy most days, but it’s all good and all worth it. haven’t vomited on any students yet, but who knows, it’s early days.
so here we go again, got to ask myself if i’m ready for everything that a new baby brings, weeeee, poooooo, vomit, oh god breast feeding, my worst, i’m definitely not one of those mothers who loved the whole breast feeding, nurturing your baby thing, breast feeding with siena was 6 months of me holding my breadth, saying a little pray as I unleashed my piranha child on my swollen, painful nipples. if she would just have latched and stayed latched I may have been able to have kind of enjoyed the experience, but she would latch on for 15 – 45 seconds and then rip off, only to attack my nipple 2 seconds later like a rabid pitbull. aaaah the memories, my nipples just inverted just thinking about it.
but then there are those moments, the ones where you can watch them sleeping for hours, or they look up and smile at you, the way i smile at a chocolate brownie, pure happiness, and that first giggle, hug and when they run up to you and call you mommy, oh hell, bring on the nausea, the sleepless nights and even the breast feeding, i’m ready…'
} lieflik. eks lekker jaloers en selfs lus om dit vir die derde keer te doen. maar ongelukkig is daar 'n belangrike party wat nie wil of kan saamwerk nie ;)